Onboarding: Audience Generation - Using a single fullthrottle.ai script on multiple websites/domains Onboarding: Audience Generation - Using a single fullthrottle.ai script on multiple websites/domains

Onboarding: Audience Generation - Using a single fullthrottle.ai script on multiple websites/domains

tech ops tech ops

fullthrottle.ai best practice is to place one script to one domain, however multiple domains can be supported with a single script with the following warnings and information:

  • Advertisers can put single script on as many domains and websites as they want (micro sites, etc.) as long as the pricing & package supports households counts. 
  • More than one domain is possible but creates anomalies.
    • Certain DSP integrations and platforms like Amazon Ads don’t work as well for media activations.
    • fullthrottle.ai will have a significantly reduced ability to QA / Check / Troubleshoot if one script is deployed to multiple unknown sites and it’s not a 1:1 match  
    • fullthrottle.ai system will see all households as all one URL in the platform
  • Any Immersive Household advertising will deliver to only one domain which will be the primary domain, however the transformation technology will run across all sites