Active on Platform: Lead Generation - New Leads (Leads List & Leads Map) Active on Platform: Lead Generation - New Leads (Leads List & Leads Map)

Active on Platform: Lead Generation - New Leads (Leads List & Leads Map)

Sage Sage

The New Leads screen is the home for all of your Lead Generation campaigns, houses all of your associated leads, and is the place to redeem customers. 

Filter – sort – and download leads via the Search bar & Audience Export

The default on the Leads screen is to show leads from All Campaigns that are active for the selected time period.

Click on the drop down to select and view other or previous run campaigns.

  • Incremental Leads = leads submitted by shoppers viewing the promotion on your website
  • Imported Leads = leads imported by you (i.e.: from a CRM, of through a "Bring Your Own List" campaign)
  • All Leads = both incremental & imported leads combined in one screen

  • Name & Address = information submitted by the shopper in the overlay on the website
  • LeadGen Date = the date when the shopper submitted their information 
  • Offer Segments = if applicable, this will list campaign related details selected by the shopper (for example - which reward card the shopper prefers, or the specific vehicle they are interested in) 
  • Redemption = options depending on status of customer's reward in the platform
    • Redeem = clicking on Redeem confirms that the shopper has come in with their coupon code, and triggers the reward to be emailed to the shopper. 
      • If you see a DATE in the space where "Redeem" should be - this indicates the customer was marked redeemed & shows the date of redemption

Want to know where to find New Lead Reporting? Click here.