Top Featured Household Profiles Top Featured Household Profiles

Top Featured Household Profiles

Julia G. Julia G.

Featured Household profiles provides easy access to great examples of households shopping across multiple devices, interacting with a number of different types of ads, and any associated transactional data. 

Use this to review journeys of in-market household customers  to exemplify an ideal shopper journey, and show the power of the platform.

How is this determined: a variety of factors including number and frequency of visits, variety of referrals, ad influences, devices, transactions, and more. 

Where to find this list: find this feature under each active client - in settings on the left sidebar - under Setting -> Marketing tab.

How long does this take to appear: For new installations and tracking, the AI looks for featured household profiles right away upon a client's activation and data collection date. However we recommend allowing 2-4 weeks for the product to find the best examples, as data and learning ramps up.

How often when does this get updated: Every 1-2 weeks the AI will look for the best households to profile. Depending on the volume and daily data capture rate, the households may or may not change dramatically every refresh.