Creative: Digital Graphic Specs Creative: Digital Graphic Specs

Creative: Digital Graphic Specs

Sage Sage

Boost Graphics - 1 to 3 sets of all sizes

  • Sizes are
    • 728px x 90px
    • 300px x 250 px
  • Must have a call-to-action CTA button
    • the call to action must be actional
      • ex: shop now - view inventory - not click here
  • Need a black 1pt bar around the graphics
  • The CTA buttons must be sentence case or lowercase to receive approval to run on the ad platforms
  • For readability, font should be no smaller than 7 points, depending on the font
  • Export as JPGs under 50KB
  • All copy must be in sentence case to comply with ad platform guidelines

Image examples: 


Social Graphics - 1 to 3 sets of all sizes

  • Size is 1080px x 1080px
  • Run on Facebook
  • No need for 1pt black border
  • Saved as JPG
  • No size limit required
  • No need for CTA button
  • Suggested to follow Facebook's 10% text rule

Image example: 


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