Login Onboarding Email Expiry Timeline
- After an individual’s account is created, how long does the individual have to create their password and log into their account?
- 3 Days / 72 Hours
Resurrection Timeline
- After a user is resurrected, how long does the user have to log into the application before the account archives again?
- 6 Hours
Archival Timeline
- If an account is active, how many days have to pass with no login activity before the account archives?
- 90 Days
Permanent Archival Timeline
- How many days have to pass with no login activity for an account to permanently archive? (No longer be able to be resurrected.)
- 15 Months
Reset Password Email Expiry Timeline
- After a reset password email is sent to a user, how long is the reset email valid for, before the link becomes invalid and another needs to be sent?
- 1 Hour
Account Login Email Reminder
- After how many days of no login activity does a user receive a login reminder email?
- 9 days