Marketing: SmartMail Overview Marketing: SmartMail Overview

Marketing: SmartMail Overview

Sage Sage


  • Requires an AI learning period
    • Only available after a client has been tracking data for at least 30 full days in a month
  • Total Monthly Quota is divided across the remaining days in month (think Daily Quota instead of Monthly Quota)
    • Example:
      • Acme Furniture: 500 Monthly Quota with 30 days would be Daily Quota of ~16/day
      • Prestige Solar: 4,000 Monthly Quota with 30 days would be Daily Quota of ~133/day
      • Standard Garages: 1000 Monthly Quota with 30 days would be Daily Quota of ~33/day


  • Every morning, AI takes over who to mail based on Propensity (‘ready to buy’ is going to get it over a ‘building awareness’)
    • Example: Acme Furniture Daily Quota of ~16/day gets selected from best of the best
  • Households who only visit one page (bounce) would likely never be mailed unless the quota is SUPER HIGH
    • Example: – Prestige Solar with 3,000 Estimated Households in a month has 4,000 mail quota in the month
  • AI will make sure the Quota is filled by end of month
    • Example: Standard Garages - During the Week of 10/20 only 10 new households identified a day (LOW),
      • AI needs to fill a Daily Quota of 33/day so goes after older households, ranks them high to low, and pulls best of the best


  • We define “high propensity” as frequency of shopping, a high number of pages visited, multiple devices used, and how much content they consume. Propensity can change on a daily basis relative to all the other shopping households in a given time frame.
  • Depending on the timeframe of our transactional ingestion of data, any household that has transacted will be eliminated from the targeting pool as best as possible.

Integrated Print Shop:

  • AI is directly integrated with print shop to drop direct pieces to a daily AI driven list. Successful delivery by the print shop for mailing is recorded in the system.