16 results for "shoppersuite"
Help: What attribution model does ShopperSuite follow?
No one specific channel deserves all the credit. We aim to account for everything that influences the shopper along the
Resource Hub: Product Names by Reseller/Channel
powered by fullthrottle.ai Integrated Media Cloud ShopperSuite Lifecycle Acceleration Nitroleads https://imc
Marketing: New Audience Marketing
= households that were served a display ad as part of ShopperSuite marketing Social Targeting Households = households
Onboarding: Audience Generation - Secure Websites
business) are encrypted. All websites utilizing ShopperSuite MUST be HTTPS - anything on the website that is not secure
Help: What do Website Engaged and Wallet Engaged mean?
identified via fullthrottle.ai new audience generation/ShopperSuite. These two labels can be found in Lifecycle/Previous
Onboarding: Lifecycle - Navigation in fullthrottle.app
list with two columns to the right. New Audiences = ShopperSuite Previous Customers = Lifecycle (formerly known as
Reporting: Audience Export
replacing the CSV button note: this does not involve any ShopperSuite audiences This allows users easy access to audiences
Help: Can I White Label fullthrottle.app?
call it ShopperSuite, fullthrottle.app, etc?: No. Example: “ABC Client – powered by fullthrottle.ai / ShopperSuite” or
Navigation - fullthrottle.app Reporting
New Audiences = ShopperSuite Previous Customers = Lifecycle (formerly known as Activ8) Lead Generation = Nitroleads
Navigation: Audience Library
accessible to users who have access to an account that is on ShopperSuite / Audience Generation. View for Non-Automotive clients