Reporting: User Access Management Report
The User Access Management Report shows Access Management and all channe...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Audience Export
Exporting audiences has gotten more accessible and now is available in m...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Upload your Transactional Data
Download a sample file as a template to reference here.    What type of...
Rose Elling Rose Elling
Reporting: DMS Hygienics
The DMS Hygienics screen is a helpful reference to understand the overal...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Keyword ROI
The Keyword ROI report pairs Paid Search Keyword performance and metrics...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Custom Activations
      The Custom Activations screen reports incremental lift from segm...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Return on Audience
Access this report at, through the left sidebar menu un...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Conversion ROI (Automotive)
This article talks about Conversion ROI (for Automotive) in fullthrottle...
tech ops tech ops
Reporting: Conversion Measurement Breakdown for Identified 1st Party Household Data
This article talks about Conversion Measurement Breakdown in fullthrottl...
tech ops tech ops
Reporting: Transactions & Conversions to Identify 1st Party Household Data
The New Audience screen features a "measurement" breakdown in the top ri...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Integrating my DMS as a Dealer
If you're an automotive client, we can integrate your DMS via Dealervaul...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Business Provided Data
We recommend that businesses provide data on a monthly-basis, once all s...
Sage Sage
Reporting: Sales & service data needed for match-backs
Sales/Service data should each have their own file that contains: addres...
Sage Sage