Reporting: Keyword ROI Reporting: Keyword ROI

Reporting: Keyword ROI

Sage Sage

The Keyword ROI report pairs Paid Search Keyword performance and metrics with transactional data.

A tab exists for each Transactional Goal (for the example below, we have Sales & Service)

High Performing Keywords are the keywords associated with the most amount of transactions.

% of sales influenced refers to the total number of transactions that were influenced by the associated keyword. 

The efficiency score % takes into account everyone who interacted with a specific keyword, and calculates a % based off of how many of those households transacted. 

This means that out of all the people that clicked on a specific keyword - X number of them purchased. 

Low Performing Keywords are the keywords associated with the least amount of/zero transactions.

% of households influenced is the total numbers of households that were influenced by the associated keyword.


Want to enable this report? View our tutorial on Google Paid Search Keyword tracking:

Note - this report does NOT take into account any paid search budgets or spends. 

What if I do not want percentages?

On the top right corner of the screen, toggle off the "AI EXPANDED." The report will dynamically update to number counts. 

Are these households unique?

No - these households are not mutually exclusive to each other.