Reporting: Transactions & Conversions to Identify 1st Party Household Data Reporting: Transactions & Conversions to Identify 1st Party Household Data

Reporting: Transactions & Conversions to Identify 1st Party Household Data

Sage Sage

The New Audience screen features a "measurement" breakdown in the top right corner. Here you will any identified households over the course of the month are matched against transactions. 

You will see the following numbers: 

  • Conversions - Households that were identified, targeted specifically in 1 or more marketing tactics (Display, SmartMail, Video, Audio, etc.), and matched to a transaction such as a Sale of a product or service
  • Data Profiles - Households that were matched to a transaction such as a Sale of a product or service, but were not marketed to via the instant marketing system. Data Profiles are still used in things like Buyer Journey, Return on Ad Click, Keyword Report, etc.
  • Total Journeys - Sum of the top 2 numbers which shows total households that were matched to a transaction (regardless of whether they were marked to or not). Mapping a complete Journey (online to offline) is a key feature of the platform and shown as a proof point of value.



Why don't all advertisers have this in the platform?

  1. Certain Advertisers are legacy advertisers running programs which don't have this difference articulated. You may request to change them via your support team.
  2. If there are no Data Profiles because all Households were marketed to as part of Conversions, you will not see this row in the display.

Why would there be Data Profiles when there has been so much marketing running?

  1. We look for a match in the last 120 days. In some cases an advertiser may have started a data trial or had a month in the 120 day period where marketing was not activated.
  2. As well due to privacy preferences and timing of resolution, there may be some anomalies where certain households were not available for marketing specifically, resulting in a Data Profile vs. a Conversion.