Help: where do CTV/OTT ads appear?
All CTV/OTT ads are run on Full Episode Player (FEP) - which is content ...
Sage Sage
Help: Can I change my email notifications in
Yes - if updates are needed, please login to your account at fullthrottl...
Sage Sage
Help: How are Households Retargeted After Transactions?
  Our system suppresses audiences across mail and digital with both pre-...
tech ops tech ops
Help: How do I resubmit my leads?
Lead Generation allows you to resend - or resubmit - leads to the CRM. ...
Sage Sage
Help: What are my leads labeled as in my CRM?
Lead Generation: “ LeadGen %CLIENTNAME%  %CAMPIAGNNAME%“ ...
Sage Sage
Help: What are the chances of duplicate households authenticates all household addresses in real-time throu...
Sage Sage
Help: Can I integrate data with a CDP via API?
Yes! The AudienceFlume API enables partners to access their transformed ...
Sage Sage
Help: How is International Traffic handled?
With a Consent Management Tool in place In cases where the tagged websit...
tech ops tech ops
Help: Are there integration opportunities that do not require the handling of PII?
Yes. handles PII with extreme care and has developed a P...
Sage Sage
Help: Can I run Lead Generation outside of the United States?
No - currently it can only work within the US. 
Sage Sage
Help: UTM Channel Definitions | Return on Ad Click | Attribution
Below are the UTM Medium definitions used across the fullthrottle...
Sage Sage
Help: Are products CCPA and Privacy compliant?
YES. We are a privacy-first platform and our technology is fully CCPA co...
Sage Sage
Help: What is the social & display targeting time frame?
We target households for up to 60-90 days as long as a household is shop...
Sage Sage
Help: If someone selects NO to sharing their location - do they get asked again repeatedly?
Simple answer? NO. We aim to never ask more than once. However, the expe...
Sage Sage
Help: I forgot my password!
Visit the link here: Password reset: LOGBACKIN.COM
Sage Sage
Help: Can I import my own leads/data?
Yes! This is a feature called BYOL (Bring Your Own List).  What?: Bring...
Sage Sage
Help: I still have a question
Reach out to us here:
Sage Sage
Help: Useful links
All products can be accessed at  Password reset: LOGBAC...
Sage Sage
Help: My business doesn't sell to anyone under 21, can I still use this technology?
Yes, absolutely. We understand the utmost importance of responsible adve...
tech ops tech ops
Help: How do we categorize households in the EV and EV+ segments?
At, we've pioneered a unique methodology for interpretin...
tech ops tech ops
Help: Why do my New Audience Household Sales not equal my Buyer Journey Sales?
The difference here is in the way they count multi-unit households. New ...
Sage Sage
Help: What is the Lead Generation URL?
Please use to access Lead Generation (Nitroleads) 
Sage Sage
Help: Does Technology Affect Website Speed?
No - uses a lightweight script that has negligible impac...
Sage Sage
Help: What happens if I can’t locate my customer?
Visit the Lead Generation tab on and input the customer...
Sage Sage
Help: Is the Marketing Deployment Automated?
Yes, all Immersive Household marketing tactics including Direct Mail, Di...
Sage Sage
Help: Can anyone else access my leads and data?
No – only your company's login can access your leads and campaign data. ...
Sage Sage
Help: How can I get assistance with the Lead Generation platform?
For any questions – you can click on SUBMIT REQUEST and complete the for...
Sage Sage
Help: Can I White Label
Yes. The White Label feature allows users to: Create a...
Sage Sage
Help: What are the benefits of the owner retention solution?
The AI powered solution consolidates 20+ messages into 1 monthly stateme...
Sage Sage
Help: What if I already have high owner loyalty?
Your competitors are spending an ever increasing budgets to aggressively...
Sage Sage