Help: What are the chances of duplicate households Help: What are the chances of duplicate households

Help: What are the chances of duplicate households

Sage Sage authenticates all household addresses in real-time through the USPS database to confirm they are valid, active, deliverable, and not vacant. The USPS is the most consistent and reliable source of truth when it comes to mailing and marketing to households in the US.

In order to serve certain logistical and municipal purposes, the USPS occasionally changes the way certain addresses are mailed. These changes, while rare, can result in duplicate households in a client's instance of the database.

For example, the USPS might change the zip+4 of a given section of addresses when restructuring the postal route:

  • 123 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA 19462-4879 might change to 123 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA 19462-4543

If this household was shopping on a target site before and after the change, the household would appear in the database twice- once for each of the iterations above. This could result in the true household shopper journey broken up across two household profiles, as well as lower propensity scores. has determined that up to 1.5% of a client's audience could be duplicated as a result of the USPS changes, so the occurrence is rare and will have a minimal effect on marketing and measurement. maintains a deep hygiene analysis on all address data transformed to ensure maximum fidelity.