Help: How are Households Retargeted After Transactions? Help: How are Households Retargeted After Transactions?

Help: How are Households Retargeted After Transactions?

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Our system suppresses audiences across mail and digital with both pre-launch settings and real-time scrubbing.

Two components to pre-launch suppression:

  1. Our team can configure state-level suppression at campaign set-up to exclude households located in specific states from receiving your marketing
  2. A client provides a list of suppression households to our team before the month starts, and this list is added to a suppression list for marketing moving forward
    • Our Data & Analytics team will also use this list to suppress households before pulling audiences for Custom Activations and Surge Campaigns

The platform also suppresses transacted households from marketing in real-time using client-provided transactional data. We suppress these households based on the frequency we receive the transactional data, and the speed at which the suppressed audience parameter can pass through the media ecosystem.

  • E.g. suppressed households must be processed before the next SmartMail drop is scheduled
  • E.g. suppression timing on digital channels can vary based on the cadence of automated audience syncs and exports across the ad networks, as well as transactional data

Once a household is recognized as a transaction, marketing will halt to that household for retargeting; they may fall back into a segment for retargeting after a 90 day window.

Expectedly, there is a chance a transacted household can still be targeted based on a user’s individual privacy settings or scenarios such as the shopper is using a different/new device that has yet to be connected to the suppressed household in our system, etc.

Even though households may be suppressed from marketing, our platform will continue to build behaviors and insights for all on-site households so there will be no gaps in the shopper journey.