Help: UTM Channel Definitions | Return on Ad Click | Attribution Help: UTM Channel Definitions | Return on Ad Click | Attribution

Help: UTM Channel Definitions | Return on Ad Click | Attribution

Sage Sage

Below are the UTM Medium definitions used across the platform. This structure is necessary to ensure the type of traffic is correctly represented in Analytics. In the event these definitions evolve as the landscape changes, we will provide the most recent definitions below.

note: channel definitions are not case sensitive.

Channel utm_medium=
Social social, social-network, social-media, sm, social network, social media
Email email
Referral varies, and may reference traffic arriving on your website through another third-party source, like through a link on another domain. (ie: traffic coming from Edmunds, Amazon, your brand being mentioned on another site in a review, etc.)
Pay Per Click cpc, ppc, paidsearch
Digital Media display, cpm, banner
Other Advertising affiliate, cpv, cpa, cpp, content-text, [blank or problems]
Google Business Profile organic
Organic Organic URL traffic entry with no UTM tags
Direct Direct URL traffic entry with no UTM tags

Definitions mirror the industry standard of web traffic analytics. For example - these match the way Google Analytics uses default channel definitions.