Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Automotive Integrated Marketing Cloud | Service Specials Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Automotive Integrated Marketing Cloud | Service Specials

Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Automotive Integrated Marketing Cloud | Service Specials

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Automotive Integrated Marketing Cloud supports up to 3 Service Specials to target previous customers.



How are they promoted?

Service Specials are selected and promoted by the FullThrottle AI based on their service history, online shopping behaviors, and opportunity for incremental Service RO's. Specials are triggered when Service Reminder content is included in Vehicle Statement.

Examples of selection criteria:

  1. Last service for the vehicle was done 6+ months ago
  2. Vehicle Health Rating + Score
  3. Vehicle being in a Recently Lost, Defected, or Never Serviced category

Where are they promoted?

Vehicle Statement: Service Specials are promoted when Service Reminder content is appropriately included in a vehicle statement

SmartMail: if daily smartmail is activated, one of the specials may be selected to run as a coupon in concurrent to vehicle statements.