Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Email Open Rates Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Email Open Rates

Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Email Open Rates

Sage Sage


  • Domain-specific configurations are not a problem for
  • We use a custom trigger to render actions taken on the Lifecycle Vehicle Statement
  • Our platform also leverages robust email hygiene practices, advanced AI-driven filtering mechanisms, and AI-driven anomaly detection to monitor activity
  • Also easily accessible within is the individual journey of each household, where you can see actions taken after a customer interacts with the Lifecycle Vehicle Statement
    • e.g. using the Vehicle Statement to access the Vehicle Wallet and update mileage etc.
  • Lifecycle Vehicle Wallet Users are actually logged in via secure authentication via their Statement
  • Lifecycle email open rates are high b/c of high utility for the customer, hyper personalization, and they're only sent once per month. It's similar to a monthly bank statement (financial industry sees open rates 30-40% + as well)