Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Service Lens Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Service Lens

Active on Platform: Lifecycle - Service Lens

Sage Sage

Those that fall in the Service Segments emailed to are based on these criteria, according on information from the DMS and provided by the customer in their vehicle wallet. 

  • Active =Recently serviced within the last 12 months
  • Recently  Lost = Stopped servicing within the last year, but has serviced within past 24 months
  • Defected = Haven’t serviced in 2+ years, but has serviced at least once before
  • Never Serviced = Purchased a vehicle, but never serviced at dealership

Scroll left to right to view customer activity & engagement as it relates to each segment. 

  • Opportunities 
  • Vehicle Statement Delivered 
  • Vehicle Statement Opened 
  • Total Media Activations 
    • Family Geofencing 
    • SmartMail Delivered 
  • Service Intent 
    • Reviewed Vehicle History
    • Visited Website
  • RO Value provides the transactional dollars tied back to these customers for the month - expand to see
    • Vehicles Serviced
    • Total ROs Completed

Scroll down to the bottom to view monthly email and engagement metrics for service customers

  • Non-Retained = sum of recently lost + never serviced + defected divided by sum of recently lost + never serviced  + defected + active
  • Delivered Statement = # vehicle statements delivered divided by # total opportunities
  • Opened Statements =# vehicle statements opened divided by # vehicle statements delivered 
  • Vehicle Wallet Engagement = # service intent divided by # vehicle statements opened