Features: Client Groupings & Cross Shopping Features: Client Groupings & Cross Shopping

Features: Client Groupings & Cross Shopping

Sage Sage

Client Groups are used to enable Cross Shopping visibility in fullthrottle.ai

  • Cross Shopping – from dealerA.com to dealerB.com (must be on Shopper Suite)
  • Previous Customer Cross Shopping – purchased from Dealer A but shopping on dealerB.com (must be on Lifecycle & Shopper Suite)
  • Cross Servicing – from dealer A to dealer B (must be on Lifecycle)
  • Cross Purchasing – purchased from Dealer A and Dealer B (must be on Lifecycle)
  • A previous customer from dealer A’s DMS transactions shops on dealerB.com

Client groupings are made automatically. If there’s any activity within the group – you’ll see indicators, exampled below.




Where WON’T I see this?

  • in custom activation reporting
  • on screens including 3p attribution / return on ad spend
  • totaled out & specifically called out in the marketing screens for a count

What can I do with this?
Show the power of the platform however, no export options are available currently for separate media activation.