Features: Lifecycle Tag Hover States
Hover over any lifecycle segment on the customer list, customer profile,...
Sage Sage
Features: Data Informed Media Tab
The Data Informed Media tab brings broadcast and streaming media attribu...
Rose Elling Rose Elling
Features: AI Audience Composer
AI Audience Composer is also known as Generative AI.          How do I ...
Sage Sage
Features: Client Groupings & Cross Shopping
Client Groups are used to enable Cross Shopping visibility in fullthrott...
Sage Sage
Features: DMS List Builder (fka Audience Generator - beta)
DMS List Builder can be found under the MARKET tab in fullthrottle.app ...
Sage Sage
Features: In the Home vs Out of the Home Identification
A typical household journey may start like this: Person A starts shopp...
Sage Sage